I received my 5-year Degree in Geophysical Sciences (Physical Oceanography and Meteorology variant) from the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon (Portugal) in 2004, with a final-year thesis on applications of satellite ocean colour imagery in Maputo Bay (Mozambique).
Then I became researcher in projects of the Center of Oceanography (now MARE) of the University of Lisbon for three years (2005-2007). Here I processed satellite imagery for oil-spill applications (FCT MODHIMAR), conducted a study on remote sensing of coastal turbidity in Iberian margin (FCT AMAZING), participated in oceanographic cruises and got additional education, including half MsC in Ocean Remote Sensing at the National Oceanography Center (UK, 2007).
In 2008 I moved to Azores to make my PhD at the Center of Climate, Meteorology and Global Changes of the University of Azores (www.climaat.angra.uac.pt). During the PhD I visited the University of Madeira, Coriolis Rotating Tank (Grenoble) and Hydrographic Institute (Lisbon), participated in oceanographic cruises and help maintain the wave buoys and meteorological stations of CLIMAAT project. My PhD works were on the island-mass effect of Azores islands and the influence of atmospheric and oceanographic variability on remotely sensed phytoplankton chlorophyll in Northeast Atlantic (completed in 2013).
In 2013 I returned to the MARE center of the University of Lisbon as a PostDoctoral resarcher. I returned to join the ESA CCI Ocean Colour project team and spent first years at Plymouth Marine Laboratory working with Dr. Shubha Sathyendranath in the development of an in-situ database for satellite ocean colour applications. Since then I did a MARE-financed Post-Doc in ocean decadal variability in Iberian margin and more recently became researcher of the INTERREG iFADO project. I travel frequently for meetings and activelly collaborate with other scientists, in distinct subjects such microplastic pollution in Black Sea.