Thesis of the Degree in Physical Oceanography and Meteorology. It was an one-year research on remote sensing of the ocean colour (chlorophyll, turbidity) in Maputo Bay (Mozambique). It is in Portuguese, but has lots of information on ocean colour in coastal waters.
Draft in English of a paper that resumes some of the Degree thesis.
Literature review on remote sensing of river plumes. It was an unit course from the MsC in Ocean Remote Sensing from the National Oceanographic Center (UK).
Paper on the use of satellite ocean colour imagery to study dynamics of coastal turbidity. It shows that surface turbidity in Lisbon Bay varies on fortnightly scales; is higher after spring tides possibly because resuspension inside the estuary. It is one of the first papers showing a forthnightly variation in satellite ocean colour imagery, as well as its tidal aliasing (spring/neap tides observed in same flood-ebb situation).
Conference paper (in Portuguese) of a climatological analysis of the wave heights and directions in Azores islands from the wave buoys of the CLIMAAT project. It also shows how Azores islands are influenced by long-period waves from southern hemisphere in summer, a local phenomenon known as "inchas".
Thesis of the PhD. It is mostly about seasonal to decadal variability of the temperature, salinity, currents, mixed layer depth and winds in the Northeast Atlantic and its effect on phytoplankton biomass, indexed by the remotelly sensed surface chlorophyll-a concentration. It shows how phytoplankton biomass is essentially modulated by vertical convection and air-sea heat fluxes and how a decrease in phytoplankton biomass by mid-2000s was synchronized with changes ocean circulation and wind stress curl.
Paper showing that colder coastal areas around Azores islands have coccolitophore assemblages more typical of turbulent and nutrient-richer regimes and that the southernmost islands of Azores have coccolitophore assemblages more typical of subtropical waters likely related to a stronger influence of the Azores Current.
Paper describing an intense Noctiluca scintillans bloom in the Black Sea. Several factors known to trigger N. scintillans blooms were found to be present: 1) food availability indicated by the high number of Melosira spp., 2) stratification conditions indicated by the light winds and rain, and 3) onshore light winds that may have increased the proximity of each cell.
Paper showing a 10-year time series of in-situ SST, chlorophyll-a and wind stress in Black Sea. Satellite-derived SST showed a good agreement with in-situ SST, both showing a warming in last years. The last years also showed decreases in wind, but some apparent increases in chlorophyll, which is not easily explained since warmer waters and lower winds usually are related to lower SCHL.
Two papers on the in-situ database created for the ESA OC-CCI product validation, error characterization, vicarious calibration and algorithm round-robins. Should be one of the largest global sets of reasy-to-use surface chlorophyll. Data were acquired from several sources (including MOBY, BOUSSOLE, AERONET-OC) and span from 1997 to 2018. Following variables were compiled: remote-sensing reflectances, chlorophyll, inherent optical properties, diffuse attenuation coefficients and suspended matter.
Paper that describes, for the first time, neustonic microplastic pollution in Black Sea. The relatively high microplastic concentrations suggest that Black Sea is a hotspot for microplastic pollution (likely because it is characterized by high river discharge of several industrialized countries into this semi-enclosed sea).
Paper showing a timeseries of coccolithophore community in Azores islands from September 2010 to 2014. There was a clear seasonal distribution and a considerable interannual variability of the coccolithophore community. Results included an higher coccolithophore abundance in spring and winter, especially due to the smaller species Emiliania huxleyi and Gephyrocapsa ericsonii.
Paper showing the biomass, composition and trophic interactions within the pico-, nano-and microplankton communities in Black Sea. The countings and dilution experiments suggested a key effect of heterotrophic nanoflagellate grazing on a high heterotrophic bacterial biomass indicating a much more complex view of carbon transfers than the classical herbivorous food web.
Paper describing the new ESA Ocean Colour Climate Change Initiative (OC-CCI) satellite products that merge individual sensors (MERIS, Aqua-MODIS, SeaWiFS, VIIRS, and OLCI). The key attributes of the new products include inter-sensor bias-corrected data, improved spatial and temporal coverage, and per-pixel uncertainty characterisation based on validation.
Paper describing the current status and future prospects in the field of satellite remote sensing of ocean colour focusing on large to medium resolution observations of oceans and coastal seas. It reviews the user requirements in terms ofproducts and uncertainty characteristics and then describes features of current andfuture satellite ocean-colour sensors, both operational and innovative.
Paper describing how the unusually intense upwelling conditions in summer 2014 off Algarve (Portugal) may have influenced sedimentary pigments. Among results, higher chlorophyll-a and a small community shift in the pigments was found after summer, contrary to what expected after a prolonged period of summer stratification, indicating that it was the signature of the unusual upwelling conditions.
Paper describing decadal changes in temperature and salinity at Central Waters depths (200–400 m) and isopycnal (27.1) in Iberian margin. At 200-400 m two colder periods, centered around 1965 and 1980, were followed by a warmer period centered around 2008. The salinity (and temperature) of the 27.1 isopycnal fluctuated, with three crests centered around early 1970s, early 1990s and late 2000s. A key mechanism seems to be the salt and heat injected into in subsurface layers in specific winters, altering thermohaline properties at 27.1 isopycnal and, perhaps, at 200-400 m.